Grant of Status Certificate | ANF 3A | Aayat Niryaat Form ANF 3A

Aayaat Niryaat Form - Grant of Status Certificate

Free Download : ANF 3A : Grant of Status Certificate


Application for Grant of Status Certificate

1. IEC Number

2. Applicant Details



3. RCMC Details

i. RCMC Number

ii. Date of Issue

iii. Issuing Authority

iv. Valid upto

v. Products for which registered

4. Category of Status applied for: EH / SEH / TH / STH / PTH

5. Details of Exports / Deemed Exports / Foreign Exchange earned for supply of Service from India during preceding 3 licensing years and current year (i.e. year in which application is filed), duly certified by CA/ICWA/CA in annexure attached.

Sr. No.


(Please specify the year)

Exports (Rs in Cr)

As in Row 6 of Sr. No 6 of Annexure below - CA Certificate

(Including Deemed Exports and Foreign Exchange Earned for Supply of Service from India)


Current Year (say e.g. 2007-08)

[Please specify period (say Apr - Sept 2007) for which exports are taken into account in this row]


Previous Year 1


Previous Year 2


Previous Year 3

5. Total

Note: RA to grant status recognition upon Total as in Row 5 above exceeds limit given in Para 3.5.2 of FTP. For Export House Status, exports in any two out of above four years shall suffice.


1.I hereby declare that particulars and statements made in this application are true and correct and nothing has been concealed or held therefrom. I fully understand that any information furnished in application if found incorrect or false will render my firm / company and me liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.

2.I hereby certify that none of Proprietor/ Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee of firm / company, as the case may be, is a Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee in any other firm / company which has come to adverse notice of DGFT. Consequentially, I further declare that under Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act (FT (D&R) Act) 1992, my firm / company have not been debarred in person from undertaking any export import business or activity by way of suspension or cancellation of IEC number. [If so debarred under FT (D&R) Act, details of said order and period for which the same is operational may be provided].

3.I hereby certify that my firm / company has not defaulted from export obligation under any provisions of FTP and has not been placed under the Denied Entity List (DEL). [If under DEL List, kindly furnish details of order, current status etc.]

4.I hereby declare that details of exports of goods and services of my firm / company are true and correct and in accordance with accounts maintained in my firm / company.

5.I hereby declare that details of exports of goods and services of my subsidiary company are true and correct and in accordance with accounts maintained by my firm / company.

6.I hereby declare that a shipment has been included only once in one of the categories eligible for double weightage.

7.I hereby declare that exports made on re-export basis have not been included.

8.I hereby declare that export / supplies do not include any disclaimed third party exports.

9.I hereby declare that only such exports has been taken into account for seeking recognition, which has been realized by me in our bank account directly from overseas.

10.I undertake to abide by provisions of Para 9.53 of FTP relating to supply of service from India.

11.I undertake to abide by provisions of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, Rules and Orders framed there under, and the FTP.

12.I hereby certify that I am authorized to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.9 of FTP

Place: ____________

Signature: ________________________________

Date: _____________

Name: ___________________________________

Documents to be submitted

Designation: ______________________________

1.One Printout of Online application duly signed in provided space.

2.Copy of Updated Profile in ANF 1only if any changes have taken place and updated.

Official Address: ___________________________


3.Self certified copy of valid RCMC.

Telephone: _______________________________

4.CAC as per Annexure attached

5.Copy of earlier Status Certificate, if any.

Residential Address: ________________________


Email Address: ____________________________

Annexure to ANF 3A



I / We hereby confirm that I / We have examined prescribed registers and also relevant records of M/s ....... .............……………………………………………having IEC Number ……………………... for licensing period (s) …… …………………………and hereby certify that:


Following documents / records have been furnished by applicant firm / company and have been examined and verified by me / us namely: -

a.Statutory documentations under Customs Act 1962 and Excise Act 1848, Service Tax Act, Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992;

b.Export Order / Contract, Shipping Bills, Bill of Lading (and / or Airways Bills / PP Receipts), Customs / Bank attested Invoices, Forward Inward Remittance Certificates (FIRCs) and Bank Certificates of exports and realization, GR declaration and connected books of accounts;

c.FIRCs, Certificate from international credit card companies.


Information given by applicant firm / company in ANF 3A is in agreement with FTP 2004-09, as amended, and rules and procedures made thereunder, relevant register and records and books of accounts maintained by M/s ......... ..…………………... and their subsidiaries and is also true and correct.


It has been ensured that

a.Information furnished is true and correct in all respects; no part of it is false or misleading and no relevant information has been concealed or withheld;

b.In respect of export of goods, a shipment can counted in applicants export turnover / performance only if the realization of export proceeds from overseas is in the applicant’s bank account.

c.In respect of service providers, realization of export proceeds in free foreign exchange pertains to rendering of services.


Neither I, nor any of my / our partners is a partner, director, or an employee of above-named entity, its Group companies or its associated concerns;

Place: ______________

Signature of CA/ ICWA / CS:_______________________

Date: _______________

Name of the Signatory: ______________________

Address: _________________________________

Membership No: ___________________________

Email Address: _________________________________

If any of documents of record mentioned in serial number (i) have not been maintained / furnished, examined or verified, they may please be specified below:-



Annexure to ANF 3A (continued)


I / We further certify that export proceeds for shipments during last three years plus current are not outstanding beyond prescribed period as permitted by RBI.


Statement of Exports / Deemed Exports / Foreign Exchange Earned by Supply of Service is as under:

Statement of Exports / Deemed Exports / Foreign Exchange Earned by Supply of Service from India

Type of Exports (Rs in Cr)

(FOB / FOR value / Foreign Exchange Earned)

Current Year

Previous Year 1

Previous Year 2

Previous Year 3

1. Exports without Weightage

2. Exports with Double Weightage* (including Foreign Exchange Earned by Supply of Service from India)

(Row 9 in Format A below)

3. FOR value for Deemed Exports

(Chapter 8 of FTP)**

4. Exports of Subsidiary Company

(Please specify the name and give the proof thereof)

5. Exports of SEZs / EOUs / EHTPs / STPs / BTPs, if clubbing is sought***

6. Total (Rs in Cr)

Note: A shipment can be included only once in one of the categories eligible for double weightage.

*- Format A, ** - Format B, *** - Format C – Kindly see these formats as per Annexure 1 below


I / We fully understand that any statement made in this certificate, if proved incorrect or false, will render me / us liable to face any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.

Place: ______________

Signature of CA/ ICWA / CS:_______________________

Date: _______________

Name of the Signatory: ______________________

Address: _________________________________


Membership No: ___________________________

Email Address: _________________________________

If any of documents of record mentioned in serial number (i) have not been maintained / furnished, examined or verified, they may please be specified below:-



Annexure 1 to Annexure to ANF 3A

Format A

Certificate of Exports with

Double Weightage

Note: A shipment is included in one of categories indicated below only once.

Sr. No.

Category of Exports

FOB / FOR / Foreign Exchange Earned

(Rs in Cr)


Exporters in Small Scale Industry (SSI) / Tiny Sector / Cottage Sector


Units registered with KVICs / KVIBs


Units located in North Eastern States, Sikkim and Jammu & Kashmir


Units exporting handloom / handicrafts / hand knotted or silk carpets


Exporters exporting to countries in Latin America / CIS / sub-Saharan Africa as listed in Appendix-9


Units having ISO 9000 (series) / ISO 14000 (series) / WHOGMP / HACCP / SEI CMM level-II


Foreign Exchange Earned by Supply of Services as per Format A1 below

8. Total FOB Value (Rs in Cr)

9. FOB Value of Exports with Double Weightage (Rs in Cr) = [2 * Total FOB Value]

Place: ______________

Signature of CA/ ICWA / CS:_______________________

Date: _______________

Name of the Signatory: ______________________

Address: _________________________________

Membership No: ___________________________

Email Address: _________________________________

Format A1

Certificate of Foreign Exchange Earned by Supply of Service from India to

(outside India or In India)

Sr. No.

Category of Service Provider

Sr. No. of Appendix 10 (within each category)

Foreign Exchange Earned

(Rs in Cr)


Para 9.53 (i)



Para 9.53 (ii)




Para 9.53 (iii)



Para 9.53 (iv)


5. Total Foreign Exchange Earned by Supply of Service from India (Rs in Cr)

Place: ______________

Signature of CA/ ICWA / CS:_______________________

Date: _______________

Name of the Signatory: ______________________

Address: _________________________________

Membership No: ___________________________

Email Address: _________________________________

Annexure 1 to Annexure to ANF 3A (continued)

Format B

Certificate of FOR value


Deemed Exports

Sr. No.

Category of Deemed Exports (Chapter 8 of FTP)

(Please quote the relevant sub para in brackets)


(Rs in Cr)


e.g. Supply to Advance Authorisation (8.2 (a))






7. Total FOR Value (Rs in Cr)

Place: ______________

Signature of CA/ ICWA / CS:_______________________

Date: _______________

Name of the Signatory: ______________________

Address: _________________________________

Membership No: ___________________________

Email Address: _________________________________

Format C

Name (s) of SEZs / EOUs / EHTPs / STPs / BTPs

and exports thereof, if clubbing is sought for grant of Status

Sr. No.

Names of Exporting Units


(Rs in Cr)











6. Total FOB Value (Rs in Cr)

Place: ______________

Signature of CA/ ICWA / CS:_______________________

Date: _______________

Name of the Signatory: ______________________

Address: _________________________________

Membership No: ___________________________

Email Address: _________________________________