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Indian Import Duty 48239021 : Customs Duty on Pre-punched cards

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(Product level Indian HS Classification is based on HS Codes used in actual Shipment Data)

Import Duty Calculator of Pre-punched cards
Formula Duty Rates (%) Duty Amount

Assessable Value — (A)

(CIF Value + 1% Landing Charge of CIF)


Basic Duty — (B)

(A) × Basic Duty Rate


Preferential Duty – (B)

(A) × Pref. Duty Rate


CVD Duty – (B)

(A) × CVD Rate


Special CVD – (B)

(A) × Spcl. CVD Rate


IGST: Additional Duty – (C)

(A + B) × IGST Rate


Central Excise Edu Cess – (D)

(C) × Central Excise Edu Cess rate


Customs Education Cess – (E)

(B + C + D) × Customs Edu. Cess rate


Social Welfare Surcharge – Special Duty – (F)

(A + B + C + D + E) × Social Welfare Surcharge


Total Custom Duty (B + C + D + E + F)
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